Matthew Kent Acupuncture BAHons. Dip. Ac. MBAc.C

Japanese Acupuncture Norwich

Welcome to my website!

I have recently moved my busy practice from a clinic in Ely to my home and clinic in Norwich. When government guidelines allowed, I began work in late summer, following the strict Covid protocols stipulated by the British Acupuncture Council, the governing body to which I belong.

Please see my news page to view the measures I have taken to ensure that we all remain safe.

I have been in continual practice since 1995, and am one of only ten advanced Toyohari-style acupuncturists in the country, and the only one in Norwich. Toyohari acupuncture is a very powerful yet gentle style, developed originally by blind practitioners in Japan. It is an extremely holistic and refined system of acupuncture; quite unlike any other, in my experience. We use very fine needles and have developed very light, superficial, pain-free needling techniques. I combine this wonderful rebalancing style with another, more pragmatic Japanese style called Manaka acupuncture, and with the more western medical style of needling called Trigger Point. For acute pain, I often also use a system of ear acupuncture developed by the US army called Battlefield Acupuncture.

More about me here...

What Do I Do?

My primary goals in treatment are two-fold: first to assess and improve your own natural healing ability by finding what is the primary disturbance that weakens and blocks it, and secondly to resolve your symptoms as far as possible. 

What Do I Treat?

To be honest, I don’t really treat a condition in isolation; I address the imbalance that has allowed it to happen, and the stress that underpins most of our ailments. This can mean that, with treatment, one can feel better in all kinds of ways. Several patients mention this in their testimonials.

The kinds of health problems that respond well to treatment include the following:

Pain and musculo-skeletal problems: back pain, neck pain, shoulder, elbow and knee pain, facial pain, headaches; including pains that result from repetitive strain, carpal tunnel, trigger finger, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, disc issues/wear and tear of the spine, sports injury (I am a keen runner and sportsman myself) and stress in all its manifestations. 
Having worked in a busy clinic for 23 years alongside several osteopaths, I have built up a lot of experience in treating these conditions, and developed a pragmatic system combining western medical ‘trigger point’ acupuncture with the more subtle rebalancing methods from the orient. For the more acute severe conditions, I sometimes use a rare system of pain control developed by the US army-using ear points- called Battlefield Acupuncture, which is literally used in the field of combat!

Internal problems: fatigue, burn-out, emotional stress, insomnia, asthma, ear-nose-throat problems, stomach and intestinal problems, dizziness, nausea, liver/gallbladder and bladder/kidney problems, addictions, menstrual issues, menopausal issues, pregnancy related problems, post surgery recovery and scar treatment, and assisting people undergoing chemotherapy; low immunity; general feeling of being out of sorts, auto-immune disorders, and last but not least: health maintenance (many of my patients end up choosing to come every few months for top-up rebalancing treatment).

British Acupuncture Council
European Branch of the Toyohari Association
United Kingdom Toyohari Association